Tag Archives: experiences

Total Pain: Whose experience is it anyway?

Published on: Author: clairemorris1 Leave a comment

The authors of this blog have both been involved in palliative care for over a decade, albeit for different reasons.  Claire Morris is a global palliative care advocate within a palliative care international non-governmental organisation and Lucy Watts has been accessing palliative care services since she was 17 years old as a result of a rare,… Continue reading

New ESRC-Funded Project “Dying in the Margins” Investigates How Socio-Economic Deprivation Effects End of Life Experiences and Ability to Die at Home

Published on: Author: Naomi Richards Leave a comment

We are all aware of the headlines about the impact of government austerity measures on communities up and down the UK. But what impact has austerity had on people’s experiences of dying and, specifically, their ability to die in their own home? What is it like to be facing death in materially constrained circumstances in… Continue reading