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What do ‘declarations’ tell us about palliative care and euthanasia/assisted dying?

Published on: Author: Hamilton Inbadas Leave a comment

It was in one of our first meetings of the ‘Global interventions at the end of life‘ project in early 2015 that we initiated discussions on the possibility of studying ‘declarations’ on end of life issues. Nearly four years on, I am delighted that our third paper on research into declarations is now published –… Continue reading

Declarations on euthanasia and assisted dying

Published on: Author: Hamilton Inbadas 2 Comments

What do you mean by ‘declarations’? This was the question I was asked most frequently as I stood beside our research poster at a recent conference. EAPC 2017, the 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care took place in Madrid, Spain. The poster* presented ‘the representation of palliative care in assisted dying… Continue reading

Palliative care declarations: mapping a new form of intervention

Published on: Author: Hamilton Inbadas Leave a comment
Reverend Dr Hamilton Inbadas, University of Glasgow

When we started our study of palliative care declarations little did I know that this apparently small-scale desk-based study would unfold into an exciting expedition, offering opportunities far beyond its original scope. Well over a year ago, in May 2015, I wrote a blog outlining our plan for studying palliative care declarations listing the declarations… Continue reading

Palliative care ‘declarations’: developing a case study

Published on: Author: Hamilton Inbadas Leave a comment

Recent weeks have been exciting ones for the international palliative care community. The 14th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care was held in Copenhagen from 8 – 10 May 2015 and the 4th International Public Health and Palliative Care Conference took place in Bristol  from 11th – 16th May 2015. We at… Continue reading

Global Interventions at the end of life – early progress on the project

Published on: Author: David Clark Leave a comment

Our University of Glasgow study team, supported by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, is examining how responses to end of life issues are developing around the world, and with what consequences. Death, dying and bereavement are topics that mainly sit on the margins of the humanities and social sciences. Whilst end of life care attracts… Continue reading