You are currently browsing the archives for the end of life in Scotland category.

International comparisons in palliative care provision: A report for the Scottish Parliament

Published on: Author: guwebteam 2 Comments
Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, Edinburgh

Professor David Clark has given evidence to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee inquiry on palliative care. The full text of his written report International comparisons in palliative care provision: What can the indicators tell us? is now available. As Wellcome Trust Investigator on the Global Interventions at the End of Life research project… Continue reading

Discussing a Scottish end of life care strategy

Published on: Author: Hamilton Inbadas 1 Comment
Reverend Hamilton Inbadas

The Scottish Government Palliative and End of Life Stakeholders Group had its first meeting in Glasgow on the 24th of March 2015, organised by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care. The purpose of this group is to contribute to and inform the ongoing development of the development of a national Strategic Framework for Action for… Continue reading

Undergraduate project on Maggie’s Centres in Scotland – by Lorraine Manley

Published on: Author: guwebteam 1 Comment

Recently I had an opportunity to spend time at some of the Maggie’s Centres throughout Scotland.   This formed part of a Medical Humanities project during the third year of my degree in Medicine.  As we know, an aim is always a good place to start and I set out to learn about the philosophy, development and core principles… Continue reading