This is a chance to enjoy recordings of three leading academics presenting their research into end of life in hospitals in Scotland, Denmark and New Zealand and hear them comparing the differences between the three countries in a lively public discussion.
We’d love you to join in the discussion, so please leave your comments or tweet #EOLChospital @EndofLifeStudy and MarieCurieSCO.
The speakers at the event, which took place in Scotland on 21 June 2017, were:
- Professor David Clark of the University of Glasgow
- Dr Lene Jarlbæk, a specialist in oncology and clinical pharmacology at the Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care (REHPA) in Denmark
- Professor Merryn Gott of the University of Auckland
Richard Meade, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Marie Curie in Scotland, chaired the event and led an audience question and answer session with the panel.
Watch a video of the presentations and the audience Q&A:
You can also download a podcast or listen online to audio of the event.
About the event
Research published by the University of Glasgow End of Life Studies Group, supported by Marie Curie, found that three in ten people on a given day in Scottish hospitals will die within 12 months. One in ten will die on their current admission.
Similar research has since been carried out in Denmark and New Zealand.
Each speaker presented their findings and drew comparisons between the three countries, as well as discussing and exploring reasons for differences between them and introducing possible policy approaches.
The event was held on 21 June 2017 at the Glasgow Royal Concert hall. It was organised in collaboration with Marie Curie in Scotland and supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
It follows on from a seminar End of life care in Scottish hospitals: opportunities for further engagement which we held, in collaboration with Marie Curie, in 2015.
Quotes from the organisers
“The event was a terrific success. We had a chance to discuss the details of our shared study of end of life in hospitals in Scotland, in New Zealand and in Denmark, and in this comparison we found both similarities and differences in the results across the three nations. The discussion afterwards was very engaging, with audience members bringing forward new thoughts and ideas about the contexts and causes of these differences and similarities. There is scope to do much more comparative research in this area, and we hope that our collaboration in this event has solidified our relationship with our research colleagues in New Zealand and Denmark, as well as with Marie Curie in Scotland.” Professor David Clark OBE, University of Glasgow
“The chance to hear from international experts and to compare their research with what happens in Scotland is hugely beneficial. I would hope we can apply the learning opportunities and examples of good practice here. Being able to share and disseminate academic research, as well as discuss the implications for policy and practice is hugely important if we are to see progress in the care and support we provide to people who need palliative and end of life care.” Richard Meade, Marie Curie Head of Policy and Public Affairs
In the media
- Experts debate end of life care in hospitals, press release, Marie Curie, 22/06/17
- Scotland lagging behind in the delivery of end of life care, Kevan Christie, The Scotsman, 25/06/2017
- Clark, D., Schofield, L., Graham, F. M., Gott, M. and Jarlbaek, L. (2016) Likelihood of death within one year among a national cohort of hospital inpatients in Scotland. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 52(2), e2-e4. (doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2016.05.007) (PMID:27262261) http://www.jpsmjournal.com/article/S0885-3924(16)30140-3/fulltext
- Clark, D., Schofield, L., Graham, F., Jarlbaek, L., Gott, M. and Isles, C. (2015) Hospital care in the last year of life. British Medical Journal, 2015(351), h4266. (doi:10.1136/bmj.h4266) (PMID:26253242) http://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h4266/rr
- Clark, D., Armstrong, M., Allan, A., Graham, F., Carnon, A. and Isles, C. (2014) Imminence of death among a national cohort of hospital inpatients: Prevalent cohort study. Palliative Medicine, 28(6), pp. 474-479. (doi:10.1177/0269216314526443) (PMID:24637342) (PMCID:PMC4845030) http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0269216314526443
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End of life issues in hospitals: Comparing Scotland, Denmark & NZ