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A symposium on the life and work of Cicely Saunders (Un simposio sobre la vida y el trabajo de Cicely Saunders)

Published on: Author: David Clark 2 Comments
Martina Holder Franz, Enric Benito, David Clark, Isabel Neto, Carlos Centeno (L-R) at the Hospital San Juan de Dios, Pamplona

Can you imagine fifty medical students and fifty palliative care practitioners giving up what might be the last warm, sunny Saturday of the year to attend a symposium about someone who was born ninety seven years ago? The attendees’ attraction and motivation would have to be high. And so they were on 17 October at… Continue reading

The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson: A film about a rock musician, cancer and mortality

Published on: Author: David Clark 1 Comment
The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson film poster

I genuinely didn’t know anything about Dr Feelgood. The film title ‘The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson’ was also a mystery to me. The online blurb about the film was similarly obscure, describing how director Julien Temple had produced an ‘overflowing visual cocktail’ serving up ‘Bunuel, Tarkovsky, Cocteau and Marcel Powell as fellow travellers on his… Continue reading

Progress for the Scottish Parliament Inquiry into Palliative Care

Published on: Author: David Clark 2 Comments
Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh

The public has responded to a call for views on the state of palliative care in Scotland, and with the publication of these submissions the Scottish Parliament Inquiry into Palliative Care is making rapid progress. I am struck by two things: the great variety of these responses, but also the rather low volume.  Perhaps that tells… Continue reading

Hear Cicely Saunders in her final recorded interview with Professor David Clark

Published on: Author: David Clark 1 Comment
Dame Cicely Saunders, photographed during her final interview with David Clark, March 2005

Dame Cicely Saunders died at St Christopher’s Hospice on 14 July 2005, at the age of 87.  This is an interview I recorded with her just a few months earlier. I first met Dame Cicely in 1995 and over the next decade we worked together on various projects. She was a keen supporter of my work… Continue reading

You need to talk about palliative care: it’s time for us all to take part in the Scottish Parliament inquiry

Published on: Author: David Clark Leave a comment
Professor David Clark, University of Glasgow

These are important times for palliative and end of life care in Scotland, and with an ongoing parliamentary inquiry into palliative care we are all eager to see what the outcomes will be. But first we must all play our part. I am already involved as the Consulting Editor in the production of the Scottish… Continue reading

Identifying those requiring access to palliative and end of life care

Published on: Author: David Clark 1 Comment
Professor David Clark, University of Glasgow

In this short video presentation I discuss what we know about ways to identify people who are in the last year of their life or who might have palliative care needs. I start by setting out the global context, showing how many people in the world currently die every year, and explaining why this is… Continue reading