You are currently browsing the archives for the bereavement category.

The Financial Impact of Paying for a Funeral: Call for Research Participants

Published on: Author: Naomi Richards 1 Comment

Blog by Ruth Bickerton, PhD Candidate in Human Geography at the University of Dundee Almost one in five people organising a funeral in the UK have notable financial concerns about paying for it[1]. This means that over 126,000 funerals each year cause real financial problems[2]. Funerals can cost on average in the region of £4,000 for… Continue reading

Paddleton: A Film Review

Published on: Author: Naomi Richards Leave a comment

This review was written by Kelly Oberle and Jennifer Rigal, both students on the End of Life Studies MSc programme at the University of Glasgow. In the fall of 2021, as students on the Assisted Dying: Rhetorics and Reality module in the End of Life Studies MSc program at the University of Glasgow, we were… Continue reading

The Value of Death at the National Cancer Institute in Mexico City

Published on: Author: Marian Krawczyk Leave a comment

In this blog Gina Tarditi, a psychologist in Mexico City and End of Life Studies MSc student, describes an event she organised with oncologists to debate 2022 Lancet Report on the Value of Death. I work at The National Cancer Institute (INCAN) in Mexico City which is one of the largest cancer centers in Latin… Continue reading

Digital Stories about Financial Insecurity & Hardship at End of Life

Published on: Author: Naomi Richards Leave a comment

Today, Tuesday 27th September 2022, we are releasing the first 3 digital stories from our research project about barriers to, and experiences of, home dying when experiencing financial insecurity and hardship. Digital stories are 2-3 minute films combining photos, music and voiceover, within a narrative structure. This is a participatory visual method, adapted for use… Continue reading

Reflections on a Day of Remembrance at San Quentin Prison

Published on: Author: amyshea2021 1 Comment

When I first learned that there would be a day of remembrance in November 2021 for those who died from COVID the previous year while incarcerated in San Quentin Prison, I was excited to hear that such an event would be held and I looked forward to attending. The memorial service was organized by Mourning Our… Continue reading

Black Tears | Montreal Blakely Sr.

Published on: Author: amyshea2021 Leave a comment

Months after receiving my Doctorate in Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow, I had the good fortune to land my dream job. In September 2021, I excitedly accepted the role of Writing Program Coordinator for Mount Tamalpais College, which is a dedicated junior college for San Quentin Prison in California. I… Continue reading

“We are sharing more than we want to share” – A funeral celebrant and a mourner discuss online funerals

Published on: Author: Naomi Richards Leave a comment

There has been a seismic shift in the way that funeral ceremonies are conducted in the wake of Covid-19. The effects of this on the bereaved are yet to be meaningfully understood. This conversation between a funeral celebrant and a mourner (at separate events) acknowledges the disruption caused. The impact of these changes, particularly the… Continue reading