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PhD Opportunity: Innovation in Community Models of ‘Housing with Care’

Published on: Author: Amy McCreadie 1 Comment

We are seeking outstanding PhD candidates for our shortlisted Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith (LKAS) PhD research project: Innovation in Community Models of ‘Housing with Care’ Ageing is often depicted as a burden for society, but there is now a growing realisation that it also provides many opportunities for economic growth and innovation in housing, care and co-production.… Continue reading

Intergenerational housing with care

Published on: Author: David Clark Leave a comment
Professor David Clark

There’s a buzz around about ‘mixing’ across the generations, bringing benefits to young and old alike. The Channel Four series about the St Monica Trust ‘Old People’s Home for Four Year Olds’ showed the exciting things that happen when children and older residents spend sustained time together, and also made for great viewing. Hospices like… Continue reading

The Crichton campus that could plug the care gap for older people

Published on: Author: guwebteam 1 Comment
Dr Sandy Fraser

Sandy Fraser, The Open University I’m 55 years old and have just acquired a long-term health condition. It might be a quite a few years before I acquire another health condition, still longer before I die. Life expectancy for men and women continues to increase but so has the proportion of life spent living with… Continue reading

Spinal Column by Melanie Reid of The Times

Published on: Author: David Clark 4 Comments
Melanie Reid

Melanie Reid is an enormously respected  journalist who writes a much-followed piece in The Times every Saturday. ‘Spinal column’ is her weekly set of reflections on life and the wider world – seen from the perspective of a person who is now tetrapelgic following a riding accident. Imagine then, the pleasure of reading her brilliant piece for… Continue reading

Some ideas for a ‘Care Campus’ – by David Clark

Published on: Author: David Clark 11 Comments

The more we contemplate the end of life care needs of different countries around the world, the more I become convinced of the need for fresh bold thinking. So it was a pleasure to see the work of the Commission on Residential  Care, supported by the admirable Demos group, which reported last autumn on its… Continue reading