You are currently browsing the archives for the end of life in Europe category.

Assisted dying, suffering and dying as a work of art

Published on: Author: Gitte Koksvik Leave a comment

As an anthropologist, I am interested in assisted dying as a cultural practice and in the discourse surrounding it. What does it tell us about our culture and about its values? In line with historian Shai Lavi, I too contend that the most interesting ethical question pertaining to assisted dying is not “what should we do” but… Continue reading

Inner light: curating art and therapy at the end of life (Lumière profonde: organisation d’une exposition de travaux d’art-thérapie réalisés en milieu hospitalier)

Published on: Author: Catriona Forrest Leave a comment
visitors at Luz Profunda (Inner Light) exhibition: courtesy of Nadia Collette

What challenges are there in exhibiting art which has used to help terminally ill patients and their relatives? Nadia Collette, art therapist and curator of Inner Light, talks about the project which resulted in an exhibition in Barcelona in the first half of 2016.  This interview was a French-English collaboration, and the blog begins with a translation, followed by… Continue reading

Compartiendo experiencias entre España y Escocia: multidisciplinariedad y difusión pública (Sharing experiences between Spain and Scotland)

Published on: Author: guwebteam 1 Comment
Jose Miguel Carrasco

José Miguel Carrasco (Sociologist and PhD in Public Health), is a Spanish researcher from ATLANTES research programme (University of Navarra, Spain). He visited us recently at the University of Glasgow’s campus in Dumfries, Scotland with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge, and working together on issues which relate to both our research groups. In… Continue reading

Access to Opioid Medication in Europe (ATOME): project results and achievements – by Eugenia Larjow

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The ATOME project comes to a close after five years of research and advocacy. The results strengthen our knowledge of barriers and challenges to access to opioid medication and more importantly how to overcome them. The project outputs include: the revised WHO policy guidelines on ensuring balance to controlled medicines and detailed reports on barriers… Continue reading

Understanding in our global village: looking beyond myopia – by Richard Powell

Published on: Author: guwebteam 1 Comment

Hailing from a Dylan Thomas-like diminutive, unassuming, “ugly, lovely” former coal mining village in South Wales, UK –  whose inhabitants routinely greet friends and strangers alike with a warm, embracing “Morning!” couched in a melodious Welsh lilt – I could be more readily forgiven for small-town parochialism than any meaningful participation in a global dialogue.… Continue reading