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Compartiendo experiencias entre España y Escocia: multidisciplinariedad y difusión pública (Sharing experiences between Spain and Scotland)

Published on: Author: guwebteam 1 Comment
Jose Miguel Carrasco

José Miguel Carrasco (Sociologist and PhD in Public Health), is a Spanish researcher from ATLANTES research programme (University of Navarra, Spain). He visited us recently at the University of Glasgow’s campus in Dumfries, Scotland with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge, and working together on issues which relate to both our research groups. In… Continue reading

Patient-centered outcomes research in palliative care – by Thomas J Lynch

Published on: Author: David Clark 2 Comments

Dr Thomas J Lynch of Johns Hopkins University asks whether at the ‘end’ there is any ‘point’? I left the North-West of England for the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America almost 18 months ago to take a position at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Since my arrival in the USA, I have… Continue reading

A great future for open education on end of life issues

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Ronald Macintyre, Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS)

Ronald Macintyre of Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS) gives an introduction to their open learning project and explains why our teams are working together to develop learning resources for people interested in end of life issues. Who are OEPS? The easiest way to talk about who we are and what we do is to… Continue reading

Founding the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland – by Derek Doyle

Published on: Author: David Clark 1 Comment
Derek Doyle 9 July 2014

The 1970s and 1980s saw palliative care services starting all over Britain – hospices and NHS ‘continuing care units’, day units, home care services, hospital consultation services, ‘hospice at home’. Those were undeniably exciting times but they brought many problems and challenges. Where were the trained staff? There were no plans or policies in place… Continue reading

Researching pain and palliative care in India

Published on: Author: Clare Roques Leave a comment
Clare Roques

So, another year and another trip to India. During the last three years I have travelled to various cities of India to attend the yearly conferences of the Indian Society for the Study of Pain (ISSP) and the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC) in order to collect data for my social science doctorate, looking… Continue reading

Spinal Column by Melanie Reid of The Times

Published on: Author: David Clark 4 Comments
Melanie Reid

Melanie Reid is an enormously respected  journalist who writes a much-followed piece in The Times every Saturday. ‘Spinal column’ is her weekly set of reflections on life and the wider world – seen from the perspective of a person who is now tetrapelgic following a riding accident. Imagine then, the pleasure of reading her brilliant piece for… Continue reading

From reverie to reality: Palliative Care Students Conference 2015 – by P M Alakananda

Published on: Author: guwebteam 3 Comments

  How could we not believe miracles don’t happen when we actually witnessed one! That miracle to us was the successful accomplishment of the STUDENTSPALCON2015 international conference on the topic “youth in palliative care” organized mutually by the Institute of Palliative Medicine, Calicut and the Students in Palliative Care. To organize a conference was initially… Continue reading